links / guests
Geisha asobi blog - crazy images from Japan and elsewhere 3WA anime club forum - in Melbourne and like anime? incite something here d-addicts - if you are curious about Japanese television you can look for bittorrent postings here mostly physics - but actually quantised philosophy, i have archived a version of this site without permission of the author because words never escape you electrodynamics simulation - if you are into physics these java simulations are intuitive (pretty) determinism in science - professor Hawking is a fluent writer, if your interested in quantum physics and cosmology you could do worse than here the quantum basis of intelligence - another decent primer for curiousities in quantum physics slashdot - i cannot recommend this site more to anyone i know of. it is news of revolutionary upcomings, but coded in geek technology. completely relevant to our future, fascinating to get into and magnetic once in touch - if you are interested in using 3D lcd shutter glasses to view movies, games on your computer try here alternative keyboards - some designs that may surprise or make sense to you, i like the kinesis and darwin boards word wizard - if you are into words and their origins or linguistics some detailed info and discussion here Merriam-Webster Online - a good online dictionary
stories - cinema - cultural - music - other - about - links
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